‘King Von: Rap’s First Serial Killer’ Documentary Removed From YouTube


A controversial YouTube documentary titled “King Von: Rap’s First Serial Killer” has sparked backlash and has been removed from the platform. The documentary, uploaded by U.K. documentarian Trap Lore Ross, connects the late rapper King Von to 10 alleged murders he committed prior to his death in 2020. However, the documentary has faced criticism for its comparisons to notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer and its lack of concrete evidence. Despite Trap Lore Ross’ previous investigative work, viewers have pointed out factual errors and inconsistencies in the documentary. To learn more about the controversy surrounding the documentary, click here.

Controversial YouTube Documentary on King Von Removed from Platform

King Von Wearing White Shirt

A highly debated YouTube documentary titled “King Von: Rap’s First Serial Killer” has recently been taken down from the platform, stirring up a wave of controversy. The documentary, uploaded by U.K. documentarian Trap Lore Ross on his YouTube channel, garnered significant attention with its bold claims. However, the video’s removal from the platform has left fans and followers curious about the reasons behind its deletion. Trap Lore Ross took to Twitter to express his disappointment and mentioned his efforts to have the film reinstated on his channel. The documentary, running over four hours in length, attempted to establish a connection between the late rapper King Von and various unsolved murders allegedly committed by him before his tragic passing in 2020. Despite the video’s removal, the lingering impact and discussions surrounding its content continue to captivate the public.

Backlash from Family, Friends, and Fans

The removal of the controversial documentary has triggered a strong backlash from the family, friends, and fans of King Von. They have expressed their disapproval and voiced their concerns about the labeling of Von as a “serial killer.” Many argue that Von was never convicted of any of the alleged murders and that attributing such a title to him is unfounded and unfair. Supporters of the late rapper question the validity and credibility of the documentary, highlighting the absence of concrete evidence against Von. This backlash further emphasizes the emotional impact of the documentary on those who were close to King Von and his loyal fanbase.

Critiques and Discrepancies Surrounding the Documentary

The documentary, “King Von: Rap’s First Serial Killer,” has faced significant criticism and scrutiny for its claims, leading to a discourse on various discrepancies and alleged errors. On Reddit, one user meticulously analyzed Trap Lore Ross’s claims, pointing out factual inconsistencies and questionable research. The critic refuted the link between Von and specific murders, highlighting instances where Von was either incarcerated or not present during the alleged incidents. The user also criticized the filmmaker’s reliance on social media posts and rap lyrics as evidence, questioning their reliability and accuracy. These critiques shed light on the need for thorough research and fact-checking in documentaries of this nature, urging viewers to approach such content with caution and skepticism.

Errors and Inconsistencies Pointed Out by Reddit Users

The controversial documentary, “King Von: Rap’s First Serial Killer,” has faced intense scrutiny and critique from Reddit users, who have raised numerous errors and inconsistencies within the film. One user took the time to carefully dissect the claims made by Trap Lore Ross, highlighting several discrepancies that cast doubt on the documentary’s credibility. For instance, the user pointed out that the documentary wrongly accused King Von of a murder in December 2012, despite him being incarcerated from November 2012 throughout the entirety of 2013. This factual error undermines the overall narrative and raises questions about the validity of other claims presented in the film.

Furthermore, the Reddit user disputed the connection between King Von and the murder of an individual named Mannmann. They pointed out that Von was in Atlanta at the time of the incident, making it implausible for him to be involved. The user criticized the filmmaker for relying on weak evidence such as social media posts and misinterpreted song lyrics to support their claims. By doing so, the documentary’s credibility is called into question, as these sources may not provide reliable and accurate information.

These observations made by Reddit users shed light on the importance of thorough research and fact-checking in documentaries. It serves as a reminder to approach such content with a critical eye and consider different perspectives before drawing conclusions. Critical engagement with the material ensures a more informed understanding of the subject matter and guards against the spread of false information.